Hi, we’ve been expecting you.

We know you’re trying to find the right language for your business offering. Or a content strategy that can take you closer to your goals. We’ve got answers.

Say hello@copylove.in

MSME of the Year (Service Delivery)

We’re a 9 YO boutique copywriting studio.

We bring branding, copywriting and strategic content solutions to corporates, brands, businesses, and entrepreneurs.

We’re writers, learners, foodies, nature-lovers, music-crazies, comedians, sport-buffs, parents and hard workers. And we’ve got one love – creative communication that actually works. That’s what keeps us close-knit, lean and hands-on as we work from Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru and Goa in India, and most importantly, from the heart. So what our clients get is high-quality, persuasive and memorable copy that creates the right impact.

Fools rush in

When Gunjan Pai started an exclusive copy-led studio years before it was in vogue, it took guts. Envisioning and building a WFH agency, much before the pandemic broke out and forced the world indoors, was a risk. Letting only our work speak for us was a leap of faith. Let’s just say, we learnt one thing through the years of work we've put in. If you've got to be just one thing, you better be a fool. Question the answers. Break the rules. Defy the norms. It's the only way to cross boundaries, build new stuff and surprise ourselves. Turns out, it's also what the wise men say.

For our world

If our business doesn’t make the world a better place, then it’s not worth it.
That’s why we’ve built some simple, super-effective ways to work:

We work from anywhere

We work the way we like

We work from homes, co-works, in pjs-tees, with our dogs and kids. They keep us cushy, so that in our minds we break out of our comfort zones.

We are committed

We are committed

Working from home doubles our discipline, not because we need to swipe ID cards by 9.35 a.m. but because we're committed from within.

We save time (and fuel)

We save time (and fuel)

By not travelling to a physical office, we save precious time and fuel. The Cloud takes care of our needs, while the ideas rain.

Never compromise

Never compromise

Making time for life does not mean we compromise on our client’s time. We are stringent about adhering to quality and timelines on all accounts.

We connect as real people

We connect as real people

For all the tech we use every day, we never forget who we are at heart. We meet up, hang out, and enjoy each other’s company whenever we can.

Always collaborative

Always collaborative

We’re collaborative, not competitive. It’s because we believe there’s enough work going around the world, and we’ll all have enough to do, always.

Old-fashioned at heart

Old-fashioned at heart

While we live in fast-paced times, there is something old-world about us that keeps us rooted, humble, simple. We love to keep it that way.

We've got good attitude

We've got good attitude

When it comes to work, we’re always learning. That's why we're loved as much for our awesome attitude as our good work.

We love what we do

We love what we do

We believe that love is the most potent force in the world, and if we pour lots of love into whatever we do, it will always work out.

For our furry friends

Every time our clients do business with us, we contribute 1% of our revenue earned for the good of street animals. Through our Fools for Wags initiative, we contribute to animal welfare organisations and activists who need monetary support. Contribute to our mission here.

We love what we do

Copy this

We work on a complete suite of copywriting services for our clients across a vast range of industries. We even love to dabble in pro-bono work where we can make a difference with what we do.

Branding copywriting

Branding copywriting

  • Brand DNA
  • Elevator pitch
  • Brand essence
  • Brand values
  • Brand naming
  • Tagline & slogan writing
  • Tone of voice
  • Creative strategy
  • Brand manifesto
  • Sales decks
  • Investor decks
  • Brand catalogues & brochures
  • App communication
  • Advertising copywriting
  • Environment branding
Marketing copywriting

Marketing copywriting

  • Leaflets
  • Marketing newsletters
  • Packaging copy
  • Point of sale
  • Event concepts
  • Press release writing
  • Internal communication
  • Crisis communication
  • Authored article writing
  • Product copy
  • Proposal copywriting
  • Speech writing
  • Sales decks
  • Books & Publications
Digital copywriting

Digital copywriting

  • Website launch & relaunch copy
  • Blog writing
  • Email writing
  • Banner concept & writing
  • Award submission writing
  • Case study writing
  • Presentation writing
  • Social strategy & content
  • SEO article writing
  • Infographic copy
  • Mobile app copy
  • Whitepapers
  • Tutorial playbooks
  • E-books
  • Video scripts

Copy that (we’ve written)

For the planet's favourite soft drinks titan an exciting collaborative design company a premium aroma alchemist of Dubai a 25+ year-old forex advisory specialist a mum launching her own baby clothes start-up an NGO that works at the grassroots of Maharashtra an online share trading platform and investment broker a unicorn that doles out credit card payment rewards the fan and light specialist of India a disruptive skincare start-up a growing kitchen sink brand a premium home decor brand for the connoisseur a nationally renowned competitive exam educator a US-based app connecting neighbourhoods an eye hospital with a formidable legacy a doorstep ‘in minutes’ delivery unicorn an education major consolidating a heritage a pioneer in always-on power solutions India's leading private bank a corporate connectivity champion from India’s trusted business house a massive Indian conglomerate building joyful homes a growth coach and mentor to small businesses a mobile-first insurance policy aggregator from a legacy parent a betting app start-up with a twist of goodness a payment tech company, that even entered the parliament a premier paints & more company, for ‘har ghar’ an employee verification firm a new-age accounting app start-up

Want to see our work? Ask us for our folio.

  • Food & Beverage
  • Hospitality & Restaurants
  • Business & HR
  • Banking & Finance
  • Education & Training
  • Health & Wellness
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Architecture & Realty
  • Home & Decor
  • Beauty & Fashion
  • Automotive
  • Spirituality
  • Marketing & Research
  • Government Sector
  • Non-profit

Little agency,
big heart

We’re buddies with Angel Xpress Foundation, an NGO that tutors lesser-privileged children in Mumbai. Ever since their inception, we’ve had the honour to work with them as their Communications Consultant.
Check our work here.

We’re the content creation partners for DonateMealPune: a brave initiative to help feed the police and stranded migrants during the COVID-19 crisis. Humbled by the opportunity.
Check our work here.

Thank you for featuring us

